- 100% Organic Herbals based on Naphthoquinones
- Helps Prevent and treat Single-Celled External Fish Diseases caused by Fungus
- Equally Effective in Fresh and Salt Water
- Safe for use with Aquatic Invertebrates
- Made in U.S.A.
Kordon Rid-Fungus™ is an easy to use treatment composed of 100% multiple organic ingredients for all types of external and epidermal single-celled infections. It's broad spectrum of activity and lack of toxicity makes Rid-Fungus effective without requiring a specific diagnosis. It stops infectious and external parasitic invasions from getting started and in turn prevents many secondary infections. In short, Rid-Fungus suppresses and eliminates a wide spectrum of infections.
Rid-Fungus is effective against protozoan parasites on fishes and aquatic invertebrates, whether fresh or brackish water, or marine. These comprise dozens of genera and species of fish-infecting species in fresh and salt water, each kind with distinctive characteristics in their infections. The groups include "white spot disease" and other ciliates (Ichthyophthirius in fresh water, and Cryptocaryon, Brooklynella, Trichodina in marine), and "sporozoan parasites" (for which many infectors of aquarium fish are marine).
Item No.39844 RID-FUNGUS™ 4 fl.oz. (118mL) - treats 240 gallons
Item No.39856 RID-FUNGUS™ 16 fl.oz. (473mL) - treats 960 gallons
Kordon Rid-Fungus as an organic herbal treatment is focused in its effectiveness in treating protozoan, fungal, and dinoflagellate infections. It may be an inhibitor, but is not an eliminator of infectious viruses, bacteria and multi-celled organisms. Rid-Fungus is compatible with the other Kordon organic herbal products, Rid-Fungus can be used with all Kordon Water Conditioners such as the NovAquas, the AmQuels, and Fish Protector.
Regarding the toxicity of Kordon Rid-Fungus to fishes and aquatic invertebrates -- it is not toxic to them. It may be that fishes and aquatic invertebrates die during treatment but numerous repeated experiments at more than ten times dosages of Rid-Fungus have shown that the causes of their deaths are not the Rid-Fungus treatment, nor does it contribute to the causes of deaths. What has caused the deaths besides the infecting diseases, that are too far advanced to be cured by treatment, needs to be determined by the keeper.
Rid-Fungus is safe for use in all kinds of aquariums and ornamental ponds, as well as on scaleless fishes (such as loaches, elephant noses, electric eels, knife fishes and catfishes), coral reef fishes, young fish and fry, reef aquariums, aquatic plants, aquatic invertebrates (such as snails, crustaceans, corals and sea anemones), amphibians and aquatic reptiles.
However, the success of this treatment (as with all effective treatments) is dependent upon starting treatment as soon as infections are anticipated or noted. It often can be late in the extent of infection when it is noted in fishes, which may be too late to save them. As an example, for some species of white spot disease (Ich), the infection usually starts unnoticed in the mouth, gills, and nostrils of the fish, only later appearing on the outside surface of the fish when it may be too late to save their lives by treatment.
Rid-Fungus will not stain sealants, ornaments, plastic or living plants, and will not unduly affect the pH or permanently discolor the water. Rid-Fungus does not affect beneficial nitrifying bacteria.
Regarding Marine Tangs (surgeon fishes, acanthurids): They are prone to have extensive infections that they bring in from the wild, and for which there is no known successful treatment when the infections are too far advanced. Always quarantine tangs before putting them with other fishes.
Regarding Freshwater Sting Rays: Freshwater stingrays (dasyatids) have acclimated to fresh water from marine ancestors. They are fragile in aquarium keeping and prone to infection. They need to be handled carefully. Often their survival time is short in aquarium keeping, regardless of their care, and they are prone to succumb unexpectedly. If this is during treatments for an infection, it can appear that the cause of their demise is the treatment, when in fact it is not.
Regarding Coral Reef Animals: Freshwater snails and shrimp, and the coral reef animals (shrimp, crabs, coral, anemones, etc.) are compatible with Kordon Rid-Fungus. It can be that in setting up a new aquarium with fishes and coral and/or anemones, that with the fishes being infected and being treated, the coral and anemones will shrivel up, sometimes dying. The organic herbal treatment may cause an initial retraction of the coral and/or anemones, but will not be the cause of their dying. Deaths are going to be due to adverse aquarium conditions, and not due to the organic herbal treatment being used for the fishes.
For example, corals and anemones may be adversely affected by the intensity of the aquarium lighting, including in new aquariums. One of the key factors in coral bleaching on natural coral reefs is in excessive light, as well as in excessive water temperature, and other natural factors. If excessive lighting is used in marine aquariums, this can adversely affect corals. This may be immediately, or it may be over time.
Kordon Rid-Fungus is not indicated for the treatment of viral or bacterial infections, nor multicellular infections such as flukes (monogenetic trematodes), worms, and lice.
For a strong chemical treatment of white spot disease (Ich) fresh water or marine when no aquatic invertebrates are present - Kordon's Rid-Ich+ is recommended.
The therapeutic action of Rid-Fungus on protozoan and other infections is due to its binding with cytoplasmic structures within the cell of the infecting organisms
Use In Fresh, Brackish or Salt Water: Shake bottle well before each use. It is recommended to remove any activated carbon from filters so that the carbon does not reduce effectiveness of the treatment. Rid-Fungus does not interfere with the use of protein skimmers or UV ultraviolet sterilizers. However, protein skimmers remove herbal organics from the water. It is best to discontinue the use of protein skimmers during treatments with Rid-Fungus.
The Standard Dose of Rid-Fungus is 10 drops (from a medicinal eye dropper) per gallon or 1 teaspoon (approx. 5mL) of Rid-Fungus for every 10 gallons (approx. 45.5 liters) of water. In regular treatment repeat dose daily until 3-4 days after the last infection is observed, including in the mouth, gills, and nostrils. Cold water conditions may require a longer treatment time.
Water changes between treatments are not required for this treatment to be effective, and are not recommended to be done. After all of the treatments are completed, make a 20% or more water change. If tap water is used, it is recommended to use Kordon NovAqua Plus together with AmQuel Plus to detoxify the water being added.
The protozoan infections that are eliminated by Rid-Fungus include "white spot disease" (Ich) which is recognized by the very tiny white spots that are on the body and fins of the fish, and in the nostrils, gills, and mouth of the fish. Other protozoan and dinoflagellate infections are detected by their epidermal tissue destruction, including desquamation (loss of scales, shredding of skin), hemorrhaging, and respiratory difficulties.
Fungus is recognized as slimy to cottony growths on the surfaces of the fish, that usually are variously whitish, to yellowish, to brownish in color. In extreme infections the fungus kills the fishes. It is normally a secondary infection, so it is important to determine what the primary infection is.
If the fish have white spot disease, also called Ich (Ichthiophthirius), the treatment will need to be made daily every day without omission until all of the "white spots” have hatched out and their young have been killed by the treatments. This may take weeks for all of the "white spots" to hatch out. While they are in the "white spot" stage on the fish, there is no known effective treatment. Only when the "white spots" hatch out and are in a brief free-swimming stage are they susceptible to treatment.
For Use as a Disease Preventative when no infections are observed:Treat daily for one week, and continue for a longer period as needed for stressed fishes. Be aware that it is easy to miss seeing infections, particularly when they are out of sight, such as in the mouth, gills, and nostrils of the fish. Close observation is needed, including of the fish's behavior to observe abnormal movements.
For well established or severe infections: double the dose. Continue treatments until a cure is effected. It is recommended that for double doses per day, one should be in the morning, the other later in the day. Note that some species of white spot disease (Ich) have only a few hours in the free-swimming stage at which time a treatment is effective in exterminating them. For these species of Ich treatments twice a day are essential for eliminating them to be sure none of the Ich escapes treatment.
Do not skip any treatment. For Ich each white spot will produce up to 250 young (in marine species) or up to 1000 young (in freshwater species). If the Ich or other infection returns when Rid-Fungus is used twice a day, it is safe to use a triple dose spaced throughout the day.
For Interconnected Multiple Aquarium Systems: Rid-Fungus can be used in aquariums that are interconnected with a central filtering system and where one or more aquariums are infected while others are not. Rid-Fungus will not harm the fishes, invertebrates, or plants of either the infected or non-infected aquariums. It will provide a means of stopping the spread of single-celled infections between the connected aquariums.
It is described above, but considering the questions received on the subject it is stated again with additional information. The standard dose for Rid-Fungus is once per day for a single treatment, preferably to be made at about the same time each day. If the treatment is needed for a species of white spot disease (Ich) that has a free swimming and reproductive stage that is less than a day in length, such as 18 hours, then two standard-dose treatments are needed per day, such as once in the morning, and another later in the day such as in the evening. If the species of white spot disease (Ich) has a free swimming and reproductive stage that is less than 12 hours in duration, then three standard-dose treatments are needed per day, such as once in the morning, once at midday, and the third in the evening.
The different species of white spot disease (Ich) cannot be discerned without microscopic examination and the ability to identify the different species. The simple way to determine how frequently the treatments are needed without identifying the species is -- if there are reinfections (such as new white spots are seen on the fish while the once-a-day treatments are being made) two treatments per day should be used.
If there are reinfections while the twice-a-day treatments are being made, three treatments per day should be used.
Treatments should be continued until absolutely every white spot is gone and the disease is not recurring. Since the white spots can be out of sight and easily overlooked, it is best to go three days or more in treatments after the last white spot is observed, including in the mouth, gills, and nostrils of the fish.
This depends upon the kind of infection, its strength, whether multiple infections are involved, etc. If Rid-Fungus is being used as a preventative and against mild infection, it can be that single daily treatments are needed for a week. If the infection is more serious, and multiple, daily treatments as described above are needed for several weeks -- daily treatments as described above may be needed for a month or more.
Without water changes, over days the brownish color of the successive Rid-Fungus herbal treatments will increase in discoloration of the water. This is of no harm to the fishes and invertebrates. However, If this is unacceptable, partial water changes before a treatment can be made in order to keep the coloration from intensifying in the water. Otherwise, the water will clear over days after the end of treatments, particularly if a partial water change is made at the end of the treatments. If tap water is used for the water changes, it is recommended to use Kordon's NovAqua+ and Amquel+ each time in order to detoxify the water.
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