Rotala macrandra 'Mini'
also known as the narrow-leaved ludwigia, is a captivating stem plant that aquarium enthusiasts appreciate for its striking red foliage. Here’s what you need to know about this beautiful aquatic plant and its various varietals:
- Rotala macrandra has larger leaves compared to the more common Rotala rotundifolia.
- Its leaves are delicate and can break easily with rough handling.
- There are several varietals, each with unique characteristics:
- Green Varietals: Easier to grow.
- Red Varietals: More challenging but offer deeper red tones.
- Variegated Varietals: Pickier and display distinctive white veins.
- Mini Versions: These include ‘mini butterfly’ and ‘mini/pearl types 1 to 4’—significantly pickier and smaller in size.
Growing Requirements:
- Water: Rotala macrandras prefer soft water (low KH < 3 dKH) but can tolerate moderately hard water.
- Light: Higher light levels bring out better colors and forms.
- Nutrients: Regular fertilization is essential for healthy growth.
- Substrate: A nutrient-rich substrate benefits their growth.
- Exception: ‘Mini type 4’ seems hardier than other mini variants
Aquarium Placement:
- Use Rotala macrandra in the mid or background of your tank.
- It branches readily when requirements are met, forming dense bushes.
- The mix of different Rotala macrandra varietals offers a wide range of colors and leaf shapes.
Remember to provide the right conditions, and your Rotala macrandra will reward you with its vibrant presence in your aquarium!
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