Ludwigia natans:
is a vibrant and striking aquatic plant that is highly sought after in the aquascaping community. Here are some important care tips and facts about this plant:
- Color: It’s known for its fiery red coloring, which can be achieved with high lighting and nutrient levels.
- Growth: This plant grows super fast, with stalks of 2-4 cm wide, and can quickly reach over 20 inches high if not groomed regularly.
- Propagation: Propagation is incredibly easy and quick. You can grow many small plants from only a few stems when kept in good conditions.
- Substrate: A nutrient-filled substrate is required for growth. Sand will suffocate the roots of this plant, so planting in a substrate like UNS Controsoil is recommended.
- Lighting: Medium to high lighting for about 8 hours a day will give you the brightest red coloring this plant can achieve.
- CO2: CO2 injection is not required but will help this plant grow more robustly.
- Water Parameters: Make sure to keep your water pH between 6.0-7.0. Do not make drastic changes to your aquarium as unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting.
When it comes to tank mates, keep in mind that because of the bright red color, fish will absolutely love this plant. However, aggressive fish may try to eat this plant until it is destroyed. Regular pruning will help maintain a bushy form and prevent the plant from overshadowing slower-growing plants. It’s a great addition to the mid- or background of an aquarium, adding dimension and contrast
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